Dorsum Exospine: Give Your Back the Support It Needs

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The Dorsum Expospine provides support so that you can minimize stress on your body while you work out or go about your day!

I have trouble finding products that provide lumbar support. I heard about the Dorsum Expospine and thought maybe it was the perfect solution.

The Dorsum Exospine is a posture enhancer that provides back support.

If you have a bad posture that causes pain, this product is for you. It also provides support when working out.

I got it to help correct my posture, but it has saved me pain while working out.

Key Features

Mesh interior

Nylon exterior

Elastic, moisture-wicking bands

Our Final Opinion on this Gadget

It is just as supportive as comfortable.

When I saw it, I couldn’t tell what to think. After trying it on and feeling the support, I wished I had it years ago.

I learned that I could wear it anywhere. For weeks now, I have the Dorsum Exospine everywhere from the gym to the office.

My posture has never been better. Not until using the Dorsum Exospine have I gone so long without back pain. I can’t recommend it enough.

Matthew Croft
Matthew Croft

Matthew Croft is an avid traveler and tech enthusiast. He tends to highlight on the best travel and luggage gadgets to bring on his holidays. He's also a regular publisher of many gadget reviews that will excite you!