The Perfect Portable Wrench for Busy Hands

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How often do you find yourself called on for some quick repairs, but you don’t have the right tool handy?

Let’s face it, who carries around a full wrench set 24/7? It’s not the most practical thing. And too often the wrench you’re after is long gone, lost in the garage.

Thankfully Big Design has a lightweight and convenient solution. The Ti EDC Wrench is the perfect everyday carry for your pocket or backpack. It’s an adjustable universal wrench made from solid titanium. That means it’s made to last – there’s no plastic here.

Convenient and reliable, the Ti EDC Wrench could easily become your new favorite tool.

Key Features

You don’t have to lug around a heavy toolbox anymore. Instead, the Ti EDC Wrench is convenient to carry and can clip onto your belt, live in the glove compartment, or stay in a backpack.

Solid Grade 5 Titanium construction means this EDC is water and chemical resistant. You can use it around cars, bikes or appliances. Nothing is going to impact performance or reliability.

Easy one-handed operation also means anyone can use it. From teenagers to the elderly, anyone who doesn’t need a full toolbox will find plenty of uses for a TI EDC Wrench.

Our Final Opinion on this Gadget

Lightweight, durable, easy-to-use. There’s a lot to love about a convenient tool that makes life that little bit easier. You cannot go wrong with this superb little everyday carry wrench.

Gadget User Writer - Alex
Alexander Jacobs

Alex Jacobs has a passion for discovery, gadgets, food and music. A background in sports journalism and experience in digital marketing means he understands the value of quality and honesty, too. That's why you can count on him to deliver reliable opinions that will help you make the right decision for your needs.