Stay Informed and Safe In All Corners of Your Home with the X-Sense Wireless Smoke Detectors

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Do you find it hard to know what is happening in other parts of your house? Or maybe you are worried about the rises in house fires because the owner couldn’t smell the smoke or hear the alarm?

Fear no more as the X-Sense Wireless Interconnected Smoke Detector is here to make sure that never happens again or to you.

The Wireless Smoke Detectors are all connected to be set up in various rooms of your house, from bathrooms to kitchens and even bedrooms if you so choose. With a wireless connection, if a single device is triggered by smoke and flame, all the detectors around the home will sound off an alarm, alerting you to the problem so you can act fast.

Not only is the interconnection between all devices cause enough for a customer wanting to pick up the X-Sense, there are many other benefits to integrating these smoke detectors into your home.

Key Features

We don’t always pay attention to how long batteries have been in a smoke detector until they stop working, but the X-Sense detectors give you battery replacement reminders so you can be on top of replacing them for consistent monitoring.

You will never worry if smoke is undetected with the X-Sense wireless detector as the smoke detector is analyzing the air on average 3 times every 10 seconds.

You can have many interconnected detectors throughout the house that all work together. The X-Sense detectors are able to connect up to 24 different detectors around your house together to work in harmony.

Our Final Opinion on this Gadget

You will never have to fear that you aren’t protected in your home as these smoke detectors are the best of the best. The X-Sense Wireless Smoke Detectors are the best upgrade for your standard detector you are probably used to.

Hayley Ianna
Hayley Ianna

Hayley is one of the most respected woman tech editors in Australia. She is a professional and creative writer from Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria.