Brew-tiful Grinds: 7 Best Coffee Grinders for a Perfect Morning Cup

The Best Coffee Grinder
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Written by Ziggy Samuels

Updated - March 30th, 2023

From the first brew of the morning to the last sip of your arvo caffeine crash, the world runs on coffee. It took me a long time to surrender to the home coffee grinder life, but now that I have, there's just no looking back!

The benefits of owning a top-quality coffee grinder are clear. It's a much more cost-effective way to feed your caffeine addiction, and the flavour is simply unbeatable. You can impress visitors to your home with your elite perspective of bespoke coffee-drinking experiences, and then be oblivious when your guests mercilessly deride you behind your back.

We've done the research; we've done the testing (heh). And so now, from one caffeine fiend to another, here is the full review of the coffee grinders worth your dollaridoos.

Let's get brewing!

De'Longhi Electric Coffee Grinders

De'Longhi Electric Coffee Grinder (KG521M)

Our Pick


  • Consistent grinding for optimal flavour.
  • Multiple grind settings for various brewing methods.
  • Large capacity hopper for less refilling.
  • Durable stainless steel construction.
  • Affordable price for a high-quality grinder.


  • Messy - could use a larger catch tray.
  • Incompatible with other manufacturers’ portafilters.
Breville BCG820BSS The Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Grinder

Breville Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Grinder (BCG820BSS)

Premium Pick


  • 60 unique grind settings.
  • Precision digital timer allows for consistent dosing.
  • Large 450g hopper for less refilling.
  • Hands-free grinding with a portafilter cradle.
  • Durable stainless steel conical burrs for long-lasting performance.


  • Difficult to store due to its height.
  • Can’t remove the hopper without spilling the beans unless it's completely empty.
Breville BCG200BSS The Coffee & Spice Grinder

Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder (BCG200BSS)

Best Value


  • One-cup capacity for grinding coffee and spices.
  • Removable stainless steel bowl for easy cleaning.
  • Durable stainless steel blades for consistent results.
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Good value for money.


  • Cannot grind very fine.
  • Excess cable does not fully fit under the device.
  • Uses a blade instead of a burr grinder.

1. Our Pick: De'Longhi Electric Coffee Grinder (KG521M)

If you’re looking for a top-quality coffee grinder that delivers fantastic value with a load of features to truly upgrade your morning mud, the De’Longhi Electric Coffee Grinder is the perfect choice. This high-performing grinder boasts a conical burr design that provides a consistent grind and delicious coffee brewed to perfection every time!

While not the most elite grinder on the market, the De’Longhi still offers a very satisfying 18 different grind settings total, covering anything from a fine filter coffee grind to something coarser for your French press. It also has a large 350g bean hopper with an easy-to-remove upper insert for easy cleaning.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

Wake up and smell the coffee with the De'Longhi Electric Coffee Grinder - the perfect blend of premium quality and value for a fresher, more flavourful start to your day.


  • Consistent grinding for optimal flavour.
  • Multiple grind settings for various brewing methods.
  • Large capacity hopper for less refilling.
  • Durable stainless steel construction.
  • Affordable price for a high-quality grinder.


  • Messy - could use a larger catch tray.
  • Incompatible with other manufacturers’ portafilters.

2. Premium Pick: Breville Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Grinder (BCG820BSS)

The Breville Smart Grinder has a keen conical burr design that ensures a consistent and precise grind every time to achieve the maximum flavour and aroma from your beans. It also edges out the De’Longhi Electric Grinder in size with its large 450g capacity hopper. You even get a bit more bang for your buck than the De’Longhi with two included portafilter cradle accessories (small and large) as well as a grinds container and a conical burr cleaning brush.

This top-of-the-range grinder is perfect for true coffee gourmets who want to invest in a grinding gadget that delivers consistent quality and a surgical level of control in the grind. The Breville Smart Grinder – as the name would suggest – is an intelligently designed product and the premium go-to choice for those who appreciate the nuances of coffee brewing.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

Breville Smart Grinder: with 60 settings and numerous attachments, you can have the ultimate bespoke coffee experience from the comfort of your home.


  • 60 unique grind settings.
  • Precision digital timer allows for consistent dosing.
  • Large 450g hopper for less refilling.
  • Hands-free grinding with a portafilter cradle.
  • Durable stainless steel conical burrs for long-lasting performance.


  • Difficult to store due to its height.
  • Can’t remove the hopper without spilling the beans unless it's completely empty.

3. Best Value: Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder (BCG200BSS)

For shoppers looking for a more affordable option, the Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder is a low-priced appliance that still offers a good quality grind. It is perfect for those who don’t need a wide variety of settings but still want a reliable and efficient grinder that gets the job done.

This grinder has a compact size that makes it easy to store away in small kitchens. However, the stainless steel design makes it a stylish addition to any countertop too. Its removable stainless steel bowl is even dishwasher safe, making cleaning an absolute breeze!

Compared to the previous two grinders on this list, the Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder is rudimentary. It only has a singular speed setting with press and release functionality, uses a blade instead of a burr grinder, and has no fancy accessories to note. However, the upside is that this multipurpose grinder is perfectly suited for grinding spices and other dry cooking ingredients.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

Achieve freshly ground coffee and spices without any of the bells and whistles of a hyper-expensive luxe coffee grinder.


  • One-cup capacity for grinding coffee and spices.
  • Removable stainless steel bowl for easy cleaning.
  • Durable stainless steel blades for consistent results.
  • Compact design for easy storage.
  • Good value for money.


  • Cannot grind very fine.
  • Excess cable does not fully fit under the device.
  • Uses a blade instead of a burr grinder.

4. A Cheap as Chips Coffee Grinder: Sunbeam Multigrinder II (EM0405)

If you’re looking for a budget coffee grinder that’s really cheap, the Sunbeam Multigrinder II is the perfect entry-level option for anyone looking to upgrade from pre-ground coffee.

In essence, the Sunbeam Multigrinder isn’t greatly differentiated from the Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder. It’s got a one-speed, one-touch control and can handle dry spices and herbs much the same. What you’re missing is a little extra capacity (the Sunbeam’s grinding bowl capacity is three-quarters of a cup versus the Breville’s full cup) and the bowl isn’t removable either, making cleaning a bit trickier.

But that’s what you get for the lower price tag! These small caveats aside, the Sunbeam Multigrinder II still has a lot to offer. It’s a compact and nifty gadget that has one job and does it well. At such an affordable price point, it’s a great way to dip your toes into the world of coffee grinding without breaking the bank.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

A super cheap coffee grinder that still gets a good grind but sacrifices a few quality-of-life features to keep the price down.


  • Extremely affordable.
  • Grinds a variety of beans, spices, and herbs.
  • Stainless steel blades for longevity.
  • Compact and easy to store.
  • Simple and easy to use.


  • Smaller grind bowl capacity.
  • Grind bowl can’t be removed for easy cleaning.
  • Some customers report poor herb grinding.

5. A Mid-Range Coffee Grinder: Sunbeam GrindFresh Conical Burr Coffee Grinder (EM0440)

Taking it up a notch, the Sunbeam GrindFresh is the perfect mid-range coffee grinder for java pundits who DO want a variety of settings but DON’T want to spend in the triple-digits to get them. With its conical burr design and 25 grind settings, it delivers consistently fresh and even grounds for the freshest and most flavourful coffee this side of a $100 bill.

At this mid-range level, you miss out on some of the features of more high-end home coffee grinders. The grind settings are manual (as opposed to a digital display), and there’s no timer for the coffee dispensing. But that’s the balance being struck: it’s a manually set coffee grinder that still allows for way more customisation than budget grinders!

In summary, the Sunbeam GrindFresh is a mid-range coffee grinder that offers great value for money, consistent and even grounds, and some actual control over the customisation of your brew but without the full convenience of a boutique coffee grinder. You definitely can’t go wrong with this product; however, I would suggest having a think as to whether the customisation is overkill for your needs or, alternatively, if it’s worth shelling out the hundred or so extra dollars for a more premium device.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

A mid-range coffee grinder that allows you to customise your grind but lacks the convenience of more high-end models.


  • Precise grind settings for maximum coffee flavour.
  • Conical burr grinder for consistent grinds.
  • Easy to quickly adjust settings.
  • Included accessories.
  • Affordable mid-range price point.


  • Bean hopper could be larger (250g).
  • Usually leaves some grinds behind after grinding.

6. An Au Naturale Coffee Grinder: TIMEMORE Chestnut C2 Coffee Grinder

The Chestnut C2 boasts high-quality, durable construction. Made from stainless steel and aluminium alloy, this grinder is built to withstand the rigours of daily life. Additionally, its compact size makes it ideal for camping and road trips, enabling you to enjoy a freshly ground coffee in the bush, mountains, or at the beach anytime. This is for the vanlifing connoisseurs of the coffee arts!

With a burr grinding core and adjustable grind settings (approximately 36 total), you can adjust the coarseness of your grind with a simple turn of the dial, giving you complete control over the brewing process. Furthermore, the built-in ball bearings enable a much more fluid grinding process than you might expect and even retain some momentum after you release your hand.

Now, obviously, this home coffee grinder isn’t for everyone. It’s a quirky and old-school way to create a truly artisanal coffee experience. Personally, I’d love one of these in my van! But for everyone else who isn’t living the dirtbag life, it’s still a fantastic purchase, albeit one you might consider alongside an electric coffee grinder for a bit of variety.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

Awaken your inner barista with the TIMEMORE Chestnut C2, a fully manual coffee grinder that lets you take total control of your coffee experience.


  • Portable and compact for on-the-go coffee making.
  • No electricity required!
  • Conical burr design for better grinding.
  • Ergonomic handle and non-slip silicone grip.
  • Adjustable grind settings for various brewing methods.


  • Smaller hopper size requires more frequent refills
  • Expensive for what it is.
  • The burr's alignment can result in an inconsistent grind.

7. The Kmart Classic: Anko Coffee Grinder

And here we are: the ULTIMATE in no-frills, all-budget, ridiculously affordable coffee grinding tech. This Kmart-brand electric grinder is a massively popular model that you’ll find in homes Australia-wide, and not always for coffee! (Heehee.)

The Anko Coffee Grinder lacks all the bells and whistles imaginable. There are no grind settings, no removable bowl for easy cleaning, and a mediocre blade grinder. But… it’s also probably the absolute cheapest home coffee grinder you can buy in Australia without resorting to op-shops!

On the plus side, the compact size makes it very easy to store, and it takes up almost no space on your kitchen counter. Lovable ratbags using this for other things aside, this coffee grinder is really the recommendation for people who don’t care about the bespoke coffee-drinking culture and instead just want their caffeine fix for the low low price of wholesale beans.

Gadget Features Inspired For You

Want a quick and cheap, no-frills grind for your daily cup? The Anko Coffee Grinder is your answer.


  • Incredibly cheap.
  • Compact and easy to store.
  • Simple and straightforward to use.
  • Surprisingly reliable.
  • Easy enough to clean.


  • Inconsistent grind quality.
  • Small capacity.
  • Noisy.
  • Very cheap grinder construction.

Final Verdict

Finito! Whether you’re after a cappuccino, macchiato, espresso, or turmeric mochaccino (you Melburnian you), none of this can truly be achieved until you’ve bought yourself a tried-and-true home coffee grinder! Nothing beats the flavour and aroma of freshly ground beans.

So to sum up these seven sensational selections, what’s our top pick of the best home coffee grinders?

Smart Coffee Grinder

Honestly, if you’re after the best, buy the Breville Smart Coffee Grinder. It’s the most expensive on the list, but Breville is a very trustworthy brand. I’ve actually used this product extensively at my aunt’s house and can confirm that if you’re after a fully deluxe beverage to go with your brekkie, then this purchase is worth the extra cash.

On the cheap end of the spectrum though, I’d suggest the Breville Coffee & Spice Grinder – the top end of budget home coffee grinders. It’s relatively inexpensive compared to a lot of other grinders, however, the extra convenience of the quality-of-life features makes it worth the little extra spending.

But, if your goal was just to get in, get out, and grind some goods, get the Anko Coffee Grinder. It will never deliver a brew nearly as awesome as all the other entries on this list, but man, you just can’t look past that price tag.

Otherwise, grind away! Get yourself a coffee grinder and never look back because the flavour tones you experience will hit all the right notes. After all, I believe it was Yoda that said-

“May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short.”

Or maybe it was Garfield. Damn Mondays.


Ziggy Samuels - Gadget User Author
Ziggy Samuels

Many years, several break-ups, and one university diploma ago, Ziggy hit the road with little more than his trusty uke and 4-coloured pen to chase the dream of the wandering writer. Some years later, now an adept freelancer, travel writer, and editorial lead, he put the backpack down and leaned into the slow life instead, watching the clouds of Tasmania with his partner and wide assortment of hard-earned camping, camera, and travel gadgetry.