Keep your pets entertained with the TREATOI Treat & Toy Dispenser

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Do you worry about your pet when you leave your house?

Well the TREATOI Automatic Treat & Toy Dispenser will ultimately keep your beloved pooch fed and entertained while you are at the office or out with friends all day. With the ability to decide in what intervals you would like the toys dispensed from the TREATOI, your pooch can get something new to eat or play with every 1-4 hours, which removes the owner’s feeling of guilt by leaving our best friend at home all alone. Coming with 5 interactive treat balls and 4 play accessories such as LED balls, a mini bell, a rope tug toy, and a bite rag toy, the TREATOI has a different kind of toy for any of man’s best friends. There are other features to the TREATOI that make it a fabulous option for your dog.

Key Features

It can help train your dog to enjoy their time alone while giving them something to play with instead of potentially tearing at your couches, slippers, and cushions. The toys dispensed will train your dog to play with toys, not your belongings.

Your puppy will actively smell the balls dispensed to learn if they are filled with snacks or toys, enhancing their sense of smell and activating their brain functions higher than other toys.

As the TREATOI is not invasive, it will increase activity in more anxious and timid pets, stimulating their curiosity and providing hours upon hours of fun.

Our Final Opinion on this Gadget

If you are looking for a new way to ensure entertainment for your pet while you are out of the house, the TREATOI is perfect for you.

Hayley Ianna
Hayley Ianna

Hayley is one of the most respected woman tech editors in Australia. She is a professional and creative writer from Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria.